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Information Strategy & Security

Information Strategy & Security

As we start our business to digital transformation journey, it is important to consider the most important part of your business – your data. Information Strategy and Planning is how you make use of digital data as part of this transformation.

Information Strategy is the move from analog to digital.

Not so long ago, businesses kept records on paper. Whether handwritten or typed documents, business data was analog. If you wanted to gather or share information, you dealt with physical documents — papers and files/binders and faxes.

Most businesses soon started converting all of those ink-on-paper records to digital computer files. This is called digitisation: the process of converting information from analog to digital.

Finding and sharing information became much easier once it had been digitised, but the ways in which businesses used their new digital records largely mimicked the old analog methods. Digital data was exponentially more efficient for businesses than analog had been, but business systems and processes were still largely designed around analog-era ideas about how to find, share, and use information.

Information Planning is using digital data to simplify how you work.

The process of using digitised information to make established ways of working simpler and more efficiently is called digitalisation. It’s about faster and better methods now that your data is instantly accessible and not trapped in a file cabinet somewhere.

Think of customer service. Digitalisation changed service forever by making customer records easily and quickly retrievable via computer. The basic methodology of customer service didn’t change, but the process of fielding an inquiry, looking up the relevant data, and offering a resolution became much more efficient when searching paper ledgers was replaced by entering a few keystrokes on a computer screen or mobile device.

As digital technology evolved, people started generating ideas for using business technology in new ways, and not just to do the old things faster. This is when the idea of digital transformation began to take shape. With new technologies, new things — and new ways of doing them — were suddenly possible.

Information Security is about keeping your data safe.

With digital transformation happening, how do you keep your data safe? Hackers and phishing attacks are in tons of thousand and they are always there to look for prey to steal your data. If you have the following questions, you will need some help.

  • Where do I keep my data on the cloud?
  • Is the cloud safe?
  • How do I make sure my documents are secured and encrypted?
  • How do I classify my data?